T B I C News & Tidbits

This site has been created for the convenience of our members to see the very latest news and information that may be of immediate interest. Late breaking info on speakers, meetings, or other pertinent announcements can be found here.

December 10, 2016

Final Inventors meeting of 2016 will be fun!

This week at the TBIC meeting!
This is our last meeting of the  year and we are going into the holidays with a bang!  We have two guests joining us to share some Christmas cheer!  Joel Freeman will be talking to you about promoting your inventions on YouTube with video and how to get people to watch it.  How to build an effective video presentation and how to use the tools in YouTube to make sure people searching for things find you. 
Next we are thrilled to have our friend Akos from "My Cool Inventions" come in to tell us about the new nationally televised program they have built to showcase inventors and let you know how you can become a guest on the show!  This will be a very fun meeting and we will be sure to have a few other treats for you to enjoy so don't miss our last Tampa Bay Inventors council meeting this Wednesday, December 14th from 7-9 pm at the iDatix building, 1499 Gulf to Bay in Clearwater!
See you Wednesday!
Wayne Rasanen

P.S.  Anyone joining TBIC for 2017 will get this meeting free so bring a check for $75 and be sure to get all of the benefits for 2017 to advance your inventions!  Current members, please consider renewing as well so we can continue to build a strong inventor community in Tampa Bay! 
Thank you!