Year end Meeting Dec. 8th
For our last meeting of the year, we will concentrate on the issue that most inventors need but few can resolve, finding support! The inventor who can go it alone and succeed is as rare as snow flakes in Miami. They could appear but won't likely amount to anything! Successful inventions are more often the result of a team of dedicated individuals who share a vision and resolve to achieve success together. In previous meetings we have talked about who you might need on your team and some of the tools to find them but this Wednesday we will bring it together to dig a bit deeper to help you collaborate.
Brian Graham returns this Wednesday to share his experience in team building and the tools that he finds most helpful to achieve good results. Brian is the Managing Partner of Quintic Capital, a small Private Equity and Advisory firm focusing on medium size companies in the technology product arena. Quintic Capital is the sponsor of the Suncoast Angel Network a small group of investors with a focus on growth companies looking for round B funding.
Brian has a passion for technology and over the past four years, has developed a keen interest in using social networking as a Business Development technique. He has formed several peer to peer networking group called SMARTc : Sales and Marketing Alliance using Relationship Technology, in the Tampa Bay area. The goal of SMART is to help drive sales growth opportunity for individual sales people as well as for company & corporate sales teams. Brian also serves on the board for Star Tec and is prominent in several organizations in the Tampa Bay area. This Wednesday, learn how you can target alliance partners to help you build success with your invention. This will be our last meeting for the year due to the holidays so get yourself motivated and resolve to become a huge success in the New Year! See you Wednesday!