T B I C News & Tidbits

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May 21, 2012

Get on the Shelf- This Wednesday!

Each meeting we try to bring you opportunities you might have missed and help you connect with people you would like to meet.  One such opportunity was to enter the “Get on the Shelf” contest that Wal-Mart hosted nationally.  Thousands of inventors sent in their ideas (four thousand three hundred) for a chance to win.  One of the top three winners is Nancy Tedeschi who invented a terrific new breakaway screw for eyeglass repair.  This Wednesday, Nancy joins us to share her story about how she has successfully designed, developed and marketed her innovation.  She is currently selling the “Snapit Screw” at a number of retail outlets.  Join us this Wednesday for an informal chat and get some ideas about how you can make your invention into a successful product and get it on the shelves at major retailers!  We can all get a little closer to our goals when we have a chance to see how others have done it before us.  I hope to see you Wednesday, May 23rd!