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May 23, 2011

The How to of Business Investment 5/25/11

For many inventors, the path to success sometimes runs through finding an investor who takes an interest in your innovation. What does it take to get someone interested in sharing the risk and putting their money on the line? That is what we shall be discussing at the next meeting of the Tampa Bay Inventors Council next Wednesday, May 25th. Join us as Nick Fenger shares his experience investing in start-up companies and tells us what it is that a potential investor wants to hear before opening their checkbook. Nick has Authored 32 manuals of business management skills and has a Ph.D. Business Problem Solving from St. Louis University a M.A. in Organization Development from Washington University, St. Louis, and has placed over $7M into over 23 different ideas and more than 50 products. This Wednesday, he will share his vision about what it takes to bring your ideas out of the garage and too the bank. If you have ever thought that you might need someone to show you the ropes on finding an investor, than you can't afford to miss this meeting! Join us and discover the amount of money you will need to raise in the first round of funding and how to go back to the well for more!