T B I C News & Tidbits

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July 12, 2010

July 14th Meeting

Hello inventors,
I would like to invite you to meet one of the most humble people I have ever known who doesn't need to be humble at all. He was instrumental in the success of the Apollo / Soyuz mission, 35 years ago this coming Saturday, July 17th. It was an event that ignored the Cold War and led two world power adversaries to work together. iIt was the foundation of the space program that we have today with partners all around the world. Souren Soumbatov is now the president of Infosec, Inc and brings his vast experience to the Tampa Bay Inventors Council this Wednesday, July 14th for a round table discussion and to lend his perspective. He does not wish to lecture or tell stories, he would much rather chat and communicate with our creative group. Our meeting will be interactive so bring your questions, concerns and problems to the group for discussion. Don't miss your chance to meet an extraordinary person and share your story with him!