T B I C News & Tidbits

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April 19, 2009

Prototyping by Storm 4/22/09

Hello Inventors,
Our meeting this Wednesday is a bit of a homecoming for a former member who has been busy creating some interesting prototypes. Chris Barrs will be speaking about product development and prototyping some interesting challenges. How do you build a wind storm in a portable booth? To see what he has done visit http://www.o8o.com/ and look at the projects his company has developed for locations all over the country. Join Chris and learn about materials used and the problems a designer faces with this and your own project.
Additionally, Doug Hall of Eureka Ranch hosted the launch of the USA National Innovation Marketplace on 4/17/09 with a special offering to inventors at the Orlando conference. This provided an opportunity to evaluate your innovation with the Merwyn Business Simulation, a $2,000 value, free to pre-screened inventors. Following the event, I asked for and recieved a few extra per-paid pass codes for our most serious inventors who simply could not get to the conference! We will have them for you on Wednesday and Mark Peterson will walk you through the process. Join us this Wednesday and advance your innovations!