T B I C News & Tidbits

This site has been created for the convenience of our members to see the very latest news and information that may be of immediate interest. Late breaking info on speakers, meetings, or other pertinent announcements can be found here.

January 03, 2006

2006-The Year of Innovation!

Last year we saw the start and casting of several new TV shows featuring inventors. This year they will be aired in millions of homes around the nation(s). Being an inventor today is a powerful thing with the ability to change the world like never before. (Please note, Rock Stars still get more groupies!) Make sure you get off on the right foot & make plans to attend our first TBIC meeting on January 11th. Our guest will be Mr. Edward Dutkiewicz, Registered Patent Attorney and all around good guy. Ed will address all of our questions (as time permits) about protecting your intellectual property. The first step with any invention is always to make sure you have your ducks in a row before you let the cat out of the bag!...I'll let you think about that one for a few seconds....

Next up on January 25th, our meeting will cover how to license your ideas to corporations with our special guest, Mr. Robert Oros of Business Development Resources. Robert will tell you about a step by step process that can enhance your ability to become successful in licencing your inventions. As you may already know, less than 4% of patents typically earn much money. I believe that if we can improve our odds of success, than we must! Robert will cover Strategic growth opportunity, due diligence, technology development, branding & licensing. If you are serious about being an inventor, you don't want to miss the opportunities we have this January! Remember, for directions and information, visit our website www.tbic.us